Dear Friends, It with great pleasure that we are announcing our strategic collaboration with Greek Trader the largest investor community in Greece for educating the public about Stocks Trading and Technical Analysis practices. Greek Trader serves a community of 5,000 Investors and is the founder of the Greek Trader Trading Club a state of the art space where innovative events and seminars are organized by the Greek Trader Team. The Strategic Collaboration focuses on the exclusive organization of the Crypto Basics series of workshops in the Greek Traders Trading Club facilities in Athens Greece. Furthermore 2S Pro Group and the Greek Trader team will work closely together to produce technical analysis reports focused in Cryptocurrencies that will be available to the members of the Greek Trade family. The launch of the 1st Crypto Basics workshop on 8/12 will be held in Greek Traders Trading Club Facilities in Athens Greece.
Crypto Basics Pro London
95 Mortimer Street
United Kingdom
Tel UK: +44 2080891407
Tel GR: +30 2112343840